3.Ĝonvert PDF to AZW3 with Amazon’s Send-to-Kindle service.Covert PDF to AZW3 with software/application Please go ahead to How to Send PDF to Kindle. Updated(2019.07): There are new ways for you read PDF on Kindle.

In this article, I'll introduce the most comprehensive ways of converting PDF to AZW3, so that you can get a better reading experience on Kindle. But still there is no denying that PDF is probably the most common document format used today and that many users desire to use their Kindle eReaders to view PDF content. It's quite annoying that nearly drive you nuts when reading PDFs on a Kindle with small display. Also PDFs loading causes serious performance issue in Kindle, sometimes they hung up and take a long time to respond. When reading PDF on Kindle, you have to tap and scroll the screen, and drag the file from time to time to fit on the screen. PDF is a graphic format that doesn't resize well. Though PDF files can be read on Kindle natively, the rendering effect is not very good due to the inner nature of PDF. Amazon builds a wall garden to confine all the books purchased from Amazon Store to Kindle exclusive formats such as azw and the trending dominant format azw3 (kf8). Kindle eReaders hold the most share of eReaders market in the whole wide world.